Monday, March 10, 2014

Laura’s Review of Before Jamaica Lane (On Dublin Street, #3) by Samantha Young

If you’ve read and enjoyed Seducing Cinderella (Fighting for Love, #1) by Gina L. Maxwell,  Checkmate (Neighbor from Hell, #3) by R.L. Mathewson, and Her Forbidden Hero (The Hero, #1) by Laura Kaye then you will LOVE this book!!!

Basic Summary
             One simple lesson in seduction between two friends can turn into so much more…

       Despite her outgoing demeanor, Olivia is painfully insecure around the opposite sex –usually, she can’t get up the nerve to approach guys she’s interested in.  But moving to Edinburgh has given her a new start, and, after she develops a crush on a sex postgrad, she decides it’s time to push past her fears and go after what she wants. Close

       Nate Sawyer is a gorgeous player who never commits, but to his friends, he’s as loyal as they come.  So when Olivia turns to him with her relationship woes, he offers to instruct her in the art of flirting and to help her become more sexually confident.

       The friendly education in seduction soon grows into an intense and hot romance.  But then Nate’s past and commitment issues rear their ugly head, and Olivia is life broken-hearted.  When Nate realizes he’s made the biggest mistake of his life, he will have to work harder than eve ever has before to entice his best friend into falling back in love with him—of he may lose her forever….

First Impressions
                This book is pretty good so far, I really appreciate the fact that if you haven’t read the rest of the books in this series you would still know what’s going on because it’s laid out pretty nicely.  I loved that we got to see more of Joss and Braden’s story and them finally get married that was really cute and very romantic.  I instantly fell in love with Nate even though even he’s a huge player and shags a different girl every week.  He fascinated me when we met him in Down London Road (On Dublin Street, #2), so I’m glad we get more of him in this book.   It’s great to have a story involving Olivia as well since her and her father relocated from the States to Edinburgh in the last book, she was the last person to join the fray in Down London Road and now she finally gets her own love story.  I love her shyness and how intimidated she is by men I think on some level every woman can relate to that somehow. 

       The book is a little slow going and I got kind of bored at certain points, I’m about 100 pages in and even though there’s been some dirty talk they haven’t even in kissed it.  I hope the physical parts of this book pick up soon so I can get more emotionally involved in Nate and Olivia.  Right now I just see them as platonic friends not really feeling the sexual tension between them there just needs to be more for me and I hope that’s coming soon. 


What I Loved
I like the flashbacks to the past when Nate and Olivia first met, or seeing funny conversations they've had and such.  You get to see their friendship better this way and see what has been built from strangers to best friends and why that is.  I really love their playful relationship and the would you rather game they play constantly, especially at the end of the book. 

I love that we not only go to see a new relationship begin but see the other ones from previous books grow and move forward.  A lot happens in this book with Braden and Joss and it only made me realize how I miss them, and how happy I was to see new things happen in their lives.  The same goes for Ellie and Adam, and Jo and Cam. 

After reading Samantha Young’s book I immediately want to pack my things and move to Edinburgh, Scotland.  I love how the city around them is its own character in each book and you really get a feel for life in Edinburgh and all the beauty the city has to offer.  Plus the guys from around there seem pretty hot, I feel like I might have a hard time understand them at first but I’m sure if I spent enough time with time I would come around.  I have no problem spending more time with men so I can better understand them especially if they are anything like Adam, Braden, or Nate.  That would NOT be a hardship for me AT ALL!

Not So Much
                I wish we got to see a little bit more of Nate and Olivia together.  I felt like because they didn't get together till the end of the book we didn't get to truly see them more settled in as a couple.  The epilogue helped but I want more Nate and Olivia!!! 

       Like I said before the book in the beginning was a little slow and I found it hard at times to keep my attention on the book.  I wish all that time it took them to come to agreement to start having sex didn't happen until I was about 70% through the book and that was just a little too slow for me.  The book definitely picked up once things got dramatic but it was just slow going in the beginning. 


             I have always really liked Samantha Young books and this one does not disappoint!  Nate and Olivia are awesome and their love story was so wonderful to read.  There were definitely some parts in the book I wanted to smack Nate or shake some sense into Olivia but they got their stuff together eventually.  I was very happy to come along on their roller coaster of a relationship and there are definitely parts where I could totally relate to how Liv was feeling and my heart broke for her.  I loved that we got to meet Nate’s parents in this book and find out more his past and Alana.  He was definitely a character that intrigued me in Down London Road so I was so happy to finally get down and dirty with him and see how he was going to dig himself out of the huge hole he had created.  I love the make shift family this group of friends has created and that they are always there for each other.  I would love to see a book about Hannah and Marco or a book involving Cole, eventually anyway since they are a little young for all that right now.  I love Samantha Young and I hope she continues writing this series it’s awesome! 

Click here to read Kari's Review!

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