Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Laura’s Review of Twisted (Tangled, #2) by Emma Chase

If you have read and enjoyed Cautious (Disastrous, #2) by E.L. Montes, The Marriage Trap (Marriage to a Billionaire, #2) by Jennifer Probst, and The Proposal (The Proposition, #2) by Katie Ashley than you will LOVE this book!!!

Basic Summary
            There are two kinds of people in the world.  The ones who look first, and the ones who leap.  I've always been more of a looker.  Cautious.  A planner. That changed after I met Drew Evans.  He was so persistent.  So sure of himself—and of me.

            But mot all love stories end happily ever after.  Did you think Drew and I were going to ride off into the sunset?  Join the club.  Now I have to make a choice, the most important of my life.  Drew already made his—in fact, he tried to decide for the both of us.  But you know that’s just not my style.  So I came back to Greenville.  Alone.  Well, sort of alone…

            What I've come to realize is that old habits die hard and sometimes you have to go back to where you began, before you can move ahead. 

Twisted picks up two years after Tangle’s end, and is told from Kate’s POV.

First Impressions
                 At first I wasn't sure how I would feel about this book being from Kate’s POV, I loved Tangled (Tangled, #1) because it was the first rom-com book I've read from the guys POV and Drew is freaking awesome and I loved him so much.  But literally two sentences into the prologue I was completely okay with and realized this book will be just as good as the first because Kate is awesome too.    Before Kate even offers public service announcement I have predicted where this book will lead and I had a huge smile on my face after that because now I’m just waiting to see how all this craziness will play out.  This is going to be awesome!!

What I Loved
           This book picks up about two years after Tangled (Tangled, #1) and a year after Holy Frigging Matrimony: A Tangled Series Short Story (Tangled, #1.5) which was hilarious by the way.  I really liked that we get to see Kate and Drew as a couple in this book, their more settled in their relationship this time around but the sexual chemistry between the two is still off the charts.  Like I said in first impressions you get a glimpse of where this book is going to go and instead of it being a spoiler alert it just makes the story more exciting.  Chapter one begins five weeks in advance with Kate sitting alone in a playground and you totally get the sense that things are not right, she devastated and Drew is back in New York doing some very unsavory things.  I was instantly hooked because of this and I just needed to find out what the hell happened and how it all went wrong! 

            I could not put this book down, and I read the whole thing in less than 24 hours because I just loved this story so freaking much.  Drew and Kate are better than ever in this book, Drew has me cracking up almost the entire time.  There are so many funny scenes in this book and I couldn't stop laughing for a good fifteen minutes at one point.  There is a hilarious scene that involves Drew and his cute niece Mackenzie while Kate and their friends look on, I literally couldn't stop laughing.  Drew does not disappoint in the immature department of this book, in fact at a certain point I kind of hate him and once you read this story you will too.   I fell head of heels in love with Drew in book one, and by the end of this book I love him even more; Drew is freaking awesome!

            I love this series so much and one of the reasons is because the writing style is very unique and unlike any other book I've read in a long time.  The main characters in the book talks at you, most of the time things are in real time but the narrator is telling you the story like they are part of the audience with you instead of you being an audience of one, it’s the two of you.  It’s definitely a different style of writing but I was instantly hooked in the first book because of it and Emma Chase did not let me down in this one either.  After reading this one I wish more books were written like this but at the same time I like that Emma Chase is one of kind in this instance.  If you watch House of Cards and Frank kind of pauses the story to talk to his audience, which is exactly what this book is like.  You feel like you are interacting with the narrator rather than being removed from the story watching it unfold. 

Not So Much
Drew & Kate's Apt.
     I got this book as an ARC so I’m sure there will be some changes to the book so I don’t really have a lot of cons.  The one thing that stood out to me was that there weren't any real descriptions of the looks of the characters.  There was a pretty good description of Kate’s features, but there wasn't anything descriptive about Drew in this book.  I know this is the second book in a series but if you read this book as a standalone you wouldn't really know what he looks like.  There are tons of adjectives about his looks and the goes for the supporting characters.  Mackenzie is described as girlish and adorable but I don’t know the color of her hair or her eye color.  There are no real concrete descriptions of the looks of these people and that was a little annoying.  I’m sure when the real book comes out there will be actual descriptions; it’s just something I've noticed.

            Also there were certain points where I felt like Kate was rambling, and it kind of got annoying after a while.  I hesitate putting this as a con though because Emma Chase writes very real characters and Kate is a very realistic woman, and real people ramble.  I get that and it’s one of the things that I love about these books because they reflect real humans but the rambling was a little much at times.  That’s just my opinion though and like I said it didn't completely bother me. 

             This was such an awesome book I just could not put it down.  I haven’t power read a book in a long time and I read this one in less than a day.  I loved every minute of this one, and I loved being able to go along with Kate and Drew for another roller coaster ride.  This book had me cracking up so many times I’m sure the people in my house thought I was crazy laughing so much.  Then there were other times in this book that I was devastated and there were tears in my eyes.  There are tons of highs in this story and then there are a lot of lows and even though Kate warns you ahead of time shit will hit the fan you’re heart just isn't prepared for horrible you are going to feel at a certain point. 

            I love the way Emma Chase writes a story, and the pace of the book was excellent.  I did feel like it might have slowed down a little because of the rambling but I never got bored.  The ending of the book was very touching and I loved that the epilogue went back to Drew’s POV because in a weird way it gives you closure to their love story.  You begin this series with Drew and you end it with him and there was something kind of poetic about that.  I loved that by the end of this book you feel like you are a part of their group of family and friends and are laughing and crying right along with them.  Twisted sucks you in immediately and doesn't let you go till the very end.  I am totally suffering from a severe book hangover this morning because I’m so sad to let Drew and Kate go.  I can’t wait for Tamed (Tangled, #3) which is Delores’ and Matthew’s story, and at the end of this book you get a great sneak peek at it!  

1 comment:

  1. Another book from Drew's POV will be released in October!
