Sunday, February 23, 2014

Laura’s Review of Into the Deep (Into the Deep, #1) by Samantha Young

If you've read and enjoyed Best Kind of Broken (Finding Fate, #1) by Chelsea Fine, Rock the Heart (Black Falcon, #1) by Michelle A. Valentine, and Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1) by Jamie McGuire then you then you will LOVE this book!!!!

Basic Summary
            Live young.  Live Hard. Love deep.

            Charley Redford was just an ordinary girl until Jake Caplin moved to her small town in Indiana and convinced her she was extraordinary.  Almost form day one Jake pulled Charley into the deep and promised he was right there with her.  But when a tragic incident darkened Jake’s life he waded out into the shallows and left Charley behind.

            Almost four years later Charley thinks she’s moved on.  That is until she takes a study year abroad in Edinburgh and bumps into none other than Jake Caplin at a party with his new girlfriend.  The bad-boy-turned-good attempts to convince Charley to forgive him, and as her best friend starts spending time with Jake’s,  Charley calls a truce, only to find herself tumbling back into a friendship with him.

            As they grow closer, the spark between them flares and begins playing havoc with their lives an relationships.  When jealousy and longing rear their destructive heads, Charley and Jake struggle to come to grips with what they mean to one another.

            And even if they work it out, there is no guarantee Charley will ever trust Jake to lead her back into the deep…

First Impressions
                Wow I really like this book!  I love that the chapters go back and forth from the past to the present leading up to some sort of climax and I cannot freaking wait to find out what really went down between Charley and Jake!  I need to know, I don’t think I’m going to be able to put this book down until I do!  

            I really like Charley a lot, she’s strong and confident when she needs to be and I love her smart ass remarks so far.  She’s not this stubborn whiny girl playing the victim card to get attention; she’s just a girl with a broken heart and no closure.  I love her style and for once the best friend in the book does not annoy me at all.  Usually when it comes to strong female leads in books I cannot stand their best friends, I don’t know why but they just really get on my nerves and I feel like they sometimes get in the way but I really enjoy Claudia and I enjoy her relationship with Charley.

What I Loved
             Wow what a great story!  The story of Jake and Charley’s relationship was just so amazing and heart breaking at times I could hardly stand it.  When you finally get to the point of how Jake left things my heart just shattered into a million places.  It totally brought me back to those teenage days in a tumultuous relationship that of course ended badly.  I could relate to Charley on so many levels and I instantly fell in love with her on the very first page. 

            I really loved that not only did the chapters switch back and forth from the present to the past, but that they coincided with each other too.  When Charley and Jake were experiencing Thanksgiving in Edinburgh the next chapter would be Thanksgiving four years prior when Charley and Jake were in high school.  It was so great to not only experience their angst of being love but not together in the present and experience their love for each other in the past.  It made the story more emotional and really put me on that emotional roller coaster I love so much.   

            As much as I wanted to hate Jake, I just couldn't bring myself to completely write him off as an asshole.  I knew he wasn't deep down, but I was probably just as tortured as Charley was when he would be with Melissa in front of her and I just wanted to scream at him.   I have been in situations like that before and it just tugs at your heart knowing just how Charley felt in that moment and made me want to slap Jake across the face. 

            I absolutely loved the building tension between Charley and Jake and I literally couldn't wait for it all to come to a head.  The emotions flying between the two of them was almost too much to bear at a certain point that this book became like a drug to me because I just couldn't put it down.  I love authors that know how to really get you wound up, because it makes that release so much better.

Edinburgh Castle

Not So Much
                Some of the colloquialisms in the book didn't quite match the characters.  I get that they are living in Scotland but they are American and Charley wouldn't wear a baggy vest, she’s wear a baggy t-shirt or blouse.  I know she’s living in another country for a year but she would still refer to it the American way not the British way. 

            This is such a great book and I truly loved this story, but I did feel at certain points it got a little too cutsie and “I’ll love you forever, even though we’re sixteen”.   I get that this is a love story and they both found their soul mates at a young age and that happens a lot in reality but at points I felt like it was laid on a little thick and I’m not a huge fan of constant cute in a book.  It definitely wasn't all the time but I was like Jake is just too good to be true at certain points and it made the story a little unrealistic because of that.  I love jaded characters and darkness and I absolutely love when that darkness finally breaks and I loved when it finally happened in this story, but sixteen year old Jake was just a little too good to be true.

Fort William

             Such a great story, I cannot freaking way for the next book; Out of the Shallows!  I really enjoyed Charley as the female lead in this book, and I cannot wait to see what Jake and Charley’s future will look like.  I really like that certain parts of the story weren't completely wrapped up leaving the story very open ended for the next book, so you kind of know how next the book will at least begin.  I have been a big fan of Samantha Young for some time now because of her On Dublin Street series.  She knows how to create these amazing characters that you feel like if they were real people they could totally be your friend.  Samantha Young is also very good in creating sexual tension and letting that build and build until you are ready to explode.  There is a fine line when it comes to building tension because some authors let it keep going on too long and you get annoyed or don’t build it up enough so you’re not as emotionally invested as you could have been but not in this book.  I was reading last night and I didn't want to put it down I just kept saying to myself just one more chapter and at point I looked up and it was three o’clock in the morning. 

            I could totally see this series kind of leading off into other stories maybe involving Beck and Claudia, or maybe in Lowe at a certain point.  I also would love a prequel involving Andie and Rick and how they met and fell in love.  There is so much you could do with all these characters because they are so well written that it makes you more involved not just in the main character’s lives but the supporting characters as well.  I’m so excited to read the second book in this series and see how things work for Jake and Charley I need more them pronto! 

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