Friday, September 13, 2013

Laura’s Review of Crow’s Row (Crow’s Row #1) by Julie Hockley

Definitely Really Liked It!!!

First:  Every time I hear Placebo’s Running Up That Hill, I think of this book.  I
think this song just completely embodies everything this plot line is!  Plus I love that song, it’s on one of my playlists so I hear it often and it just totally reminds me of Emily & Cameron’s impossible relationship.

Basic Summary:  Emily Sheppard grew up very privileged, but threw it all away after her outcast of a brother is found dead from a drug overdose.  Emily now leads a very plain and boring life, going to college, working in a library, and taking a jog through the rougher parts of town.  That is until one day where she witnesses a murder, while jogging through a cemetery.  Emily is then kidnapped, by a very hot and young drug lord, Cameron.  She immediately gets swept up into their dark and seedy world, being held captive in his house in Vermont.  Of course eventually she falls in love the mysterious and dark Cameron.  This book takes you on a journey of Emily’s struggle to become closer to Cameron, and Cameron’s struggle to balance his growing love for Emily and job as head honcho of the drug world.  Secrets about Emily’s brother Bill are revealed along the way, which just sucks Emily in more, making her very curious and eager to learn everything is to know about this underground world. 

What I love About This Book:  If you have read and loved The Dark Duet series you will probably love this book as well.  There isn’t an erotic element to this book like with Captive & Seduced in the Dark but the darkness, the moral struggles, and the violence is all right there.  I love books that bring you on a roller coaster ride, and this book definitely delivers.  Since I read tons of romance and erotica books, the ending in most of them is happily ever after, but in this book you have no clue at all what is going to happen.  It is the first book in a series so I feel like eventually in the end there will be a happily ever after, but Julie Hockley writes this book in such a way that, that kind of ending is not guaranteed. 
          I love Emily Sheppard as a protagonist because she really loathes herself but isn’t annoying about it.  She has no faith in herself at all, and to me as this is the case in most characters in a romance series she isn’t whiny about it at all.  To me Emily Sheppard’s lack of self-confidence is just a fact in her life she accepts and moves on.  She isn’t constantly complaining about her red hair and freckles but you get the sense that this is just her life, and that’s that. 
          The details in the book are amazing, the minute Emily walks into Cameron’s Vermont home you really grasp exactly what this house looks like.  Julie Hockley really describes the environment around Emily and Cameron so amazingly well.  In the beginning of the book you really get a sense of the squalor that Emily lives in as a struggling college student.  Especially if you have ever gone to college, you completely understand how living in such a mess can be so much fun all at the same time. 
          The way the characters are written too is just so amazing.  The author makes it very easy to get attached to them, and not just Emily and Cameron but with Cameron’s brother Rocco, and Carly, and Griff.  You really get invested in their lives and their drama as well.  The darkness that is Cameron’s life and work really drips into every corner of this book.  You feel the hopelessness that all these characters lives with, every second of every day they cannot show weakness they constantly have to be assessing their situation and that every action will have a negative reaction.  Cameron has made decisions for him and his friends that has lead them down this path of no return, there is no getting out of the drug dealing business, you’re in for life.
          You also morn Bill’s death along with the characters, as a reader you feel Emily’s tremendous loss in her life when he dies.  Julie Hockley really delivers the loss of an amazing life and his potential as if you lost someone close to you.  Bill’s life wasn’t a very healthy one, with lots of lies and secrets but the sense that he was such an important person is everyone is very apparent throughout the book.  You feel heartbroken for not just Emily, but for Cameron losing his best friend and Carly losing the love of her life.   
                Throughout this whole book, you have no idea how this book will end.  I love a book that keeps you guessing and Cameron & Emily’s relationship definitely keeps the reader on their toes.  When reading it you just want Cameron to give it all up and run into Emily’s arms, so when you finally get to the end you are in complete shock!! The ending is crazy, and it just rips your heart out and stomps on it.  The epilogue in a way rescue’s you from going through the five stages of grief, because all the denial you had in the last chapter goes away pretty quickly.  At the end of the last chapter you realize how much Emily has grown in such a short amount of time, and cannot wait to see how this change will affect this series and shape the next storyline. 
          I can’t freaking way for Scare Crow it cannot come soon enough!!!!!!

Cons:   I don’t have tons of negative things to say about this book, but one thing I will say is this book is a good example why I don
’t like reading a lot of new adult or young adult books.  This is because even if there is a sensual scene, which is very few and far between in this genre, they are just glossed over.  There is no real detail in the sex scenes at all in this genre, and this book is no different.  I get a lot of people don’t mind that and I completely understand that but I am not one of those people. 
     Another con for me was the fact that Emily asked too many damn questions!! I get she led a sheltered life, and was very removed from her brother Bill’s business but sometimes during her constant questioning I want to scream!  Like after question number 20, how does she still not get it???? Cameron answers most of her questions the best he can, but damn put two and two together in your own head.  Maybe if she shut up and stopped asking questions at a certain point and really thought about it maybe she was get to the answer herself.  I feel like for a girl that was able to walk away from her family and live on her own, she sometimes has no brain at all.  I understand the message that Julie Hockley is trying to send out about Emily but for me it was just one too many questions, it could’ve been stopped at a certain point. 
     Also this whole Cameron being the head drug dealer amongst the families is a little too much for me to swallow.  He’s twenty six, I get he’s good at what he does but I can’t buy older more experienced drug dealers listening to him.  There is no way in the real world that, that kind of hierarchy would be working.  You want to make a 26 year old a genius at his job, that’s fine but for him to be like the King, no way.  That was just one step too far. 

Overall:  This is the beginning of a great new series.  It’s like they took Twilight and Captive in the Dark put it together and out came Crow’s Row.  I cannot wait for the next book, it’s so great for a female character to really come into her own self and at the end of this book you feel Emily has more of purpose now.  She isn’t some innocent little nothing anymore, she is wants revenge and is willing to bide her time and wait for the opportunity. 

Next Book Review:   Blind Obsession by Ella Frank

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