Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Laura's Review: Knight & Play (Knight #1) by Kitty French

This is my Lucien
Basic Summary:  A woman trapped in a passionless marriage, who husband is having an affair applies for a new job and her boss is super hot.  Not only is he super hot, he runs an adult entertainment empire, which includes hip sex clubs, and lots of fun fun sex toys.  Needless to say, they get it on and it’s hottttttttt. 

Good Quote:  “I see you.  Really see you” he whispered, watching her eyes in the mirror. “I see the girl in there who’s greedy for more."

 What I love about this book:  First of all not only does that book have Lucien’s and Sophie’s point of view, but it also has some of Dan’s point of view as well (the cheating husband).  The excerpt from him by the end you almost and I stress the almost pity him, for his bad decisions and his regret.  But I don’t feel too bad for him, he cheated on his wife…..for over 2 years!!!!!!  “He dropped his head in his hands, feeling trapped.  He wanted to go home.”  Like I said you pity him, but not so much that you don’t fall for Sophie and this internal struggle within her.  It always seems so simple to just leave the man who treated you like crap, but not as easily done.  When she morns her marriage, the author is really able to bring that emotion to the forefront amongst all this granduer and seduction.  As you read you feel just as torn as she does, just as anxious as she is as the book nears the end.
     The sex scences in this book are amazing!!! This book reminds me why I love erotica so damn much.  The first scene is so sensual and seductive and the dude hasn’t even taken off his pants!!! Most erotica novels either really build it up to where there is no sex scene until you’re about 60% through or just jump right into it on page two.  This book, like good foreplay, gives you what you want at the right time but leaves certain things to your own imagination, a perfect combination. 
Of course what makes a good first book in a series is……a cliff hanger of course! And this book has that, throughout most of the book you are so anxious for the end that you are on the edge of your seat waiting to see how this crucial is going to play out, then bam!!!! CLIFFHANGER!!!! UGH!!

This is my Sophie
Cons:  When Sophie is in the presence of Lucien’s properties (his house in London and Norway), I wish there was more details.  The author is very good at creating an environment with little detail but I wish that there was just as much attention paid to the beauty that is the Norwegian mountains, waterfalls, and greenery, to the details of the spaces they are having these amazing sex scenes in.  Just a little bit more detail but not much more, because like I said the author is very good at creating the right feelings when describing the scenery.   Also some people absolutely hate cliffhangers, I like most people have a love/hate relationship I hate to love them because they always leave me wanting more.  So I put the cliffhanger in the con section for people who truly can’t stand them even though I am not one of them.  

Overall:  I loved this book, I wish it was a little longer because I couldn't believe how quickly I finished it, but isn't that always the way with good books??  Great erotica, very seductive, the way Lucien is written is truly amazing, making him a little more unique then the typical Christian Grey.  Kitty French is able to write very appealing characters and having some sort of magic making this book not just another erotica novel.   The writing technique gives yous the ability to separate itself from the typical 50 shades genre, which makes this book refreshing.  

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