Saturday, August 31, 2013

Laura’s Review: Playing For Keeps (A Neighbor From Hell Series) by R.L. Mathewson


Basic Summary:  Haley is an ultra shy lady, who was so happy to live on her own and finally be a homeowner, that is until Jason moves next door.  To make things even worse  Jason is not only her neighbor from hell but her coworker as well.  They finally come to blows after Haley has had enough, they soon get into hilarious situations that literally make you laugh out loud, and of course eventually fall in love.

What I Love About This Book:  It’s hilarious, there are very few series that make me laugh, and this book has me cracking up.  Jason Bradford is hilarious; I can’t even imagine the genius that is R.L. Mathewson to write such a hilarious character.  Not only is he funny, but he has depth to him that isn’t obvious at first but you discover naturally as the story goes on.  These elements make him a more realistic down to earth character, unlike other fictional male leading characters like Christian Grey or Jesse Ward.  The way R.L. Mathewson writes Jason, and his interactions with Haley and his family make him lovable and someone you can really latch onto as far as imagining him.  He’s more your level then being so far out there it’s hard to dream up. 
            Haley is another enchanting character, even though she is the typical shy timid virgin in this book, she isn’t at the same time.  She doesn’t fall into that whiney “why does he like me?” category.  She is a woman who knows what she has to offer to a relationship, and is confident in that.  She is very shy and lets people walk all over her, but she knows that and owns up to it.  R.L. Mathewson has created a character that isn’t same old timid leading lady, she like Jason has definite depth and dimension.   The author’s creation of these characters is truly amazing, and because of their depth really sucks you into the story.  Haley becomes a true spit fire as the story progresses and a funny, at one point Jason tied himself to her bed and instead of untying him, she ends shaving his arms and legs….hilarious!
            You very quickly understand why this series is called Neighbor from Hell, Jason is a nuisance to Haley almost immediately; “Within the first ten minutes of his arrival he’d backed into her mailbox, spilled fast food wrappers from his car into his property, which quickly made their way onto her immaculate law, and relieved himself on the great old oak tree in his front law with a sheepish smile and a shrug…” Yeah that would definitely be considered an annoying neighbor!   But right away when the book changes to Jason’s point of view, that there are reasons for his inconsideration and instantly makes him lovable. 
            Jason’s healthy appetite adds to the hilarity of the story line  and to me it’s so refreshing reading a romance and being in hysterics while reading it.  There are some books that make you laugh, but some scenes in this book left tears in my eyes they were so funny.  R.L. Mathewson doesn't skimp on the details either, and you really get a sense of the world around Haley and Jason as well as their personalities through the writing.  The epilogue was awesome as well really summing up their happily ever after, adding to the story wonderfully. 

Cons:  I guess my only con would be there wasn't enough sex in it; I would've liked to have seen more.  The sex scenes that are in the book are written really well though.  Making the protagonist a virgin kind of bothered me thought, because for a such a realistic book that element makes it very unrealistic.  The author goes on to explain why Haley chose to save herself, but still it’s reaching. 

Overall:  I loved this book, I love this series and it’s made me definitely want to explore R.L. Mathewson further.  

1 comment:

  1. I love love love this series!!! Amazing review!! I live for books that actually make me look like a fool because I smile too much or laugh out loud!! This one did just that!! I am excited for more!!!
